Monday, June 27, 2011

Today I started my working day by ordering a ten pound box of white chocolate chips... I am moving past buying chips by the bag at the local grocery store and am instead finally buying in bulk.. Things are changing steadily in a great way and I am doing my best to not stand in the way and be crushed by the fruition of a dream shared by my mother and me. I know that I am perched precariously on the precipice (I LOVE ALLITERATION!!!!) but there is no abyss. This is were I am meant to be, every day has led to this new beginning... And I am ready! Each Sunday at Archwood we share our baking with Northern Virginia and it gives me such a warm feeling to watch our customers taste the Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies or Chocolate Cupcakes and to know how much they love what's in their mouths. It makes me so happy when they almost immediately refuse to take a sample but proclaim that NEED 6 to 10 of an item because they trust us and they KNOW that whatever they choose at our stall will be good. These are relationships that we have nurtured... It means something special and divine to know that these patrons love our product and that they will come to the market each week to buy from us and that they will follow us quite happily to our new location. Sweet Intentions is the place to be!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ice Creamy Dreams

I am from a hellishly hot spot in Texas and being there in our stall at Archwood was a true reminder of my time in San Antonio. All day all I could think of was how much I hate wearing khaki pants and also just how amazing it would have been to have had a lemon ice or blueberry cheesecake ice creamy goodness with buttery chunks of Graham cracker crust... I was losing my mind at my most sweaty moment.... My mouth was dry, my contacts were sticking to my eyeballs and I wasn't getting any cooler... Not until I began telling my Mom that we should surely make ice cream from now until the summer is over.. I must have said ice cream and fruit lime - aids a thousand times over the course of our afternoon at the market and looking back now I see that the promise of a chilly treat was majorly comforting.. I talked over the possiblity with our neighbor and for a split second I could see her take in the cool breezy goodness a cup of ice cream provides. She began to inform me that last season one of the vendors made sorbet on site! I felt immediately hopeful by the prospect that we'd be able to pull this off with people who would be more than receptive! Even now as I sit here in the beauty of air conditioning I know that we are about to gain a few more fans, a few lovers of cool, sticky and sweet refreshment.... I cannot wait to see their faces... The comfort and cool heads that will now browse a little longer, converse a touch bit more with those around the green barn...and most importantly they will be transported back in time to a day much cooler and possibly celebratory. Whichever memory shimmies to the top I will be happy to be apart of it...